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Beautiful Holy Father Ali with Sharp Fat Eyes long Straight Slim Nose healthy Cheeks Long long Eyes lashes thick eye brows normal beard 6 Feet Height Body Builder Body long hairs smiling White light as Snow Fair Color Face of God BAAP Ali MOLA The Holy Physical Eternal Natural Soul of Jesus Christ in Constant Eternal Time The Joy of My Heart The Pleasure of my soul the peace of my mind. His Fragrance his beautiful Manly voice in Arabic style in heaven white light is emitting from his Body and He Ali was sitting under a tree in the Heavens and Water Hose e Kosar flowing under the Feet of Ali and Long green trees gardens flowers and Fatima Zahra and Ali were Alone in the Heaven and their children were also there Fatima Zahra raised her two hands in the air and asked me to come to her and white light is emitting from her body and white cloths and she kissed me on both my shoulders and she kissed me on my head above eyes and I bow down my head a liitle and she is loving me and Ali is smiling at me and looking at me and prophet Muhammad is very angry against the enemies of AliFatima ALAISALAAM and their beloved Children Hassan Hussain Zainab Qulsoom Mohsin and Ghazi Abbas Alamdaar ALAISALAAM And then I saw Jesus Christ standing with Ali raised his two hands and told me to come to him and then Jesus raised above clouds and mosses coming out of the tent and joined Baap Ali Mola With Jesus Christ on the mountain.Then I Physically Eternally Fly to Heavens in New Jerusalem NASA Please Send All my Good Works in these websites to Galaxies Stars Black holes Planets by first dividing space into Co ordinates Maps and then converting my Good Works in these websites into Electromagnetic Mass and send it to Infinite Physical Eternal Immortal Planets Stars Galaxies.,,

My name is Paul Eliya I am Pakistani Citizen Request for Arresting Accused Sectarian Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi Abdul qudoos Abdul Rauf u/s 154 crPC 420 7ATA Repossession Recovery of my Property #25-A(CB-3650) st#5-A Lalazar 10 Kanal Sangjani Land

Accused Stole my Property by Accusing me for Brutally Burning Quran putting my foot on in Blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad and against his 10 companions

i Appeared before West ICT Judge on 29-11-22

Accused Military 408 Intelligence Battalion Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi Captain Annas, Tauheed, Zaheer Abbas under his command u/s 154 crPC 420 Fraud Attempted Murder 7ATA, and immediate Repossession of my Property #25-A(CB-3650) lane#5-A Tulsa Road Lalazar Colony

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